Monthly Archive:: January 2023

आज का दिन सामयिकी Current Affairs 9 Jan 2023
हिज्ब-उल-मुजाहिदीन के संचालक आसिफ मकबूल को आतंकवादी घोषित किया गया CJI डी वाई चंद्रचूड़

THE GOLDEN TOUCH सुनहरा स्पर्श : ग्रीक मिथक
THE GOLDEN TOUCH—I Many years ago there lived a king named Midas. King Midas

Rumpelstiltskin रम्पेलस्टिल्टस्किन
RUMPELSTILTSKIN—I Once upon a time there lived a miller who had a beautiful daughter.
Class VIII English: THE THREE QUESTIONS by Leo Tolstoy
THE THREE QUESTIONSby Leo Tolstoy It once occurred to a certain king, that if

आज का दिन (हिंदी) सामयिकी Current Affairs 7 Jan 2023
India to host Voice of Global South Summit The Constitution Of India Article 19

आज का दिन (हिंदी) सामयिकी Current Affairs 6 Jan 2023
National Workshop on Project Driven Development Plan organised President Murmu to give away Digital

आज का दिन (हिंदी) सामयिकी Current Affairs 5 Jan 2023
26th National Youth Festival Will Take Place at Hubballi-Dharwad ‘Virovore’: An organism that eats

What are the demerits of green hydrogen ?
Another drawback of green hydrogen is that it requires large amounts of land and

आज का दिन Current Affairs 4 Jan 2023
1st All India State Ministers Conference on Water is being organised Indian Railways introducing

आज का दिन Current Affairs 3 Jan 2023
Global Family Day 2023 celebrated on January 1st Coffee export from India rose almost

Objections parents may have for online exams
list of objections parents may have for online examination.

Class VIII English: From Storytelling to Film-Making
Answer these questions. 1. How did mankind’s tryst with storytelling begin? 2. What do

आज का दिन Current Affairs 2 January 2023
Croatia adopts EU’s common currency-euro Eurozone Croatia adopts EU’s common currency-euro and joins Schengen