English Archive
Beyond the blackboard “Beyond the Blackboard” न केवल शिक्षकों बल्कि अभिभावकों को भी प्रेरित
Roumanian Fairy Tales Once upon a time something happened. If it had not happened,
In the days of the Emperor Yau lived a prince by the name of
There was once upon a time a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess,
by Hans Christian Andersen Charles Dickens once told us about a pig, and since
Let’s talk possibilities, shall we? There’s ‘maybe.’ And there is ‘may be.’ Both refer
Australian Folk Tale Perhaps you think that fishes were always fishes, and never lived
by William Crooke HERE was once a pair of Sparrows that lived in a
इस देश में कन्या - शिक्षा एवं आत्मनिर्भरता न होने का इससे दु:खद परिणाम
by Gertrude Landa Floating in a basket on the River Nile, Princess Bathia, the
Retold By Zitkala-Sa ON the edge of a forest there lived a large family
by Zitkala-Sa When the spirit swells my breast I love to roam leisurely among
“Come away, beautiful flower,” said the kingfisher; “do not waste your beauty in this
कहते हैं कि अजातशत्रु का वास्तविक नाम क्या था, यह तो कोई नहीं जानता,
THEY went to sea in a Sieve, they did,In a Sieve they went to
Faster than fairies, faster than witches,Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;And charging along like
In a bygone era of opulence and extravagance, a lamentable incident unfolded within the
`The Proposal’ is a one-act play. Actually, it is a farce written by Anton