
Statistical data in support of Make in India

Statistical data in support of Make in India

Do you have any statistical data in support of Make in India ?

Yes, there is a wealth of statistical data that supports the success of the Make in India program. Some key metrics include:

  1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): According to data from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), FDI inflows into India have increased since the launch of the Make in India program. In the financial year 2014-2015, FDI inflows were $36.5 billion, which increased to $49.98 billion in 2018-2019.
  2. Manufacturing growth: According to data from the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), the manufacturing sector has grown at an average rate of 7.7% per year since the launch of the Make in India program.
  3. Job creation: The Make in India program has had a positive impact on job creation, particularly in the manufacturing and service sectors. According to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the number of jobs in the organized manufacturing sector increased from 7.5 million in 2014 to 9.6 million in 2019.
  4. Export growth: The Make in India program has helped to boost India’s exports, which have increased from $314 billion in 2014 to $331 billion in 2019, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  5. Improved ease of doing business: India has improved its ranking in the World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business” index since the launch of the Make in India program, moving from 134th in 2014 to 63rd in 2020.

These metrics provide clear evidence of the success of the Make in India program and its positive impact on the Indian economy.

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