What are the demerits of green hydrogen ?

Another drawback of green hydrogen is that it requires large amounts of land and water for the production of renewable energy used in the electrolysis process. This can lead to competition for resources with other important uses such as food production and wildlife conservation. Additionally, the production and transportation of green hydrogen may also produce emissions from the manufacturing and transport of electrolyzers and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Furthermore, the current technology for hydrogen production, storage, and transport is not as advanced as it is for other forms of energy, meaning that it is not as efficient or as safe as it could be. There is also a lack of regulations and safety standards for hydrogen fuel, which can make it difficult for companies to invest in the technology.
In summary, although green hydrogen has the potential to be a clean and renewable energy source, it currently faces challenges such as high cost, lack of infrastructure, and environmental concerns. More research and development is needed to overcome these challenges and make green hydrogen a viable alternative to fossil fuels.